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Writer's pictureJamonica Disser

When it rains…

It pours!

And storms!!

They often say the best laid plans of man are often led astray….speaking from experience…yup! This past weekend was our annual summer party and boy were my planning skills put to the test!

I do not take this party lightly. I set the date a year in advance. I want everyone to have plenty of time to plan accordingly. I set the menu with the Sauce Boss aka the hubby. I create a backyard layout for activities for the kids. I create to do lists for everyday of the week leading up to it.

There are charts, diagrams, and check lists for everyone. This party is well planned and expertly executed. There’s enough food to feed an army. Entertainment for all types. Movies. Music. Conversation spaces. There’s games and water balloons for the kids. A play set and pool. When I say kids are exhausted to the point of instant car nap time, I’m serious.

This year i studied the weather forecast. It just wasn’t cooperating. Everyday there was a chance of rain. We had tornado warnings a week before. Severe thunderstorms three days before. And severe weather watches for party day. I pressed on.

The day before party day, it rained. All day long. Buckets. Drizzles. White out torrents. Sprinkles. All. Day. Long. I fielded phone calls, text messages, and Facebook messages as I food prepped. I didn’t care what the weather looked like, we were partying.

In all of my prudent planning, I had a back up plan. Every good plan has one. Right? I knew it would be tricky but I would manage it.

Party day dawned cloudy and rainy. I laid in bed at four thirty in the morning listening to the rain pour and my sump pump run. Rather than scream, cry, and curse the rain, I smiled and resolved to have an amazing day. Rain or shine, we were partying.

I got up, did my customary four miles, showered and dressed for the day. My husband looked at me with weary determination. I’m pretty sure he was waiting to see if I’d flip out! Smile on my face and back up plans in hand, I marched out of our bedroom ready!

I shuffled tables, created kids spaces in our lower level, set up movies and conversation areas in our living room and three seasons room. I had music going and my smile never faltered. I knew it was going to be a good day.

The rain let up and party hour approached. As the first guests arrived, that still worried sliver in then back of my mind vanished, and my heart sang!! Despite the weather, people came. Food was devoured and praised. Kids played. People laughed. Babies were snuggled. New friends were made. I was overjoyed and in my element.

I thought we might make it through the day with minimal rain. Suddenly, every phone shrieked! Tornado warnings ripped through the room! Really!! On party day?!? I could see the worry happening but I remained calm. I escorted guests to our lower level and the hubby kept a weathered eye on the horizon.

We spent several hours fielding tornado watches and down pours with friends and family. And even though the weather went bonkers, the party didn’t stop. People kept eating and laughing. Kids kept playing. My heart continued to dance.

A decade ago, I would have freaked out. I’m talking full on panic attack, doom and gloom attitude, I hate everything spilling from my lips. I’ve learned that life happens and how you react effects you and everyone around you.

I choose to be positive and look for the sunny side. I insist on being prepared but also flexible. I choose to find the joy in the situations that make people want to run away screaming. It definitely makes for much more interesting stories to tell!! Just like this one. Next year, as we all sit and eat and laugh, we will tell stories of the tornado that touched down a few miles away while we all hunkered down with the best barbecue in town!

A twista! A twista!!!

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